5 easy hacks to make magic in your workspace

No matter how cliché it may sound, we spend a great deal of hours at work. You know it, your partner (obviously) knows it and you wish your boss knew it, too. How to create magic in your second home and drift away from the everyday routines that leave your office with the description suitable for a modest bureau, instead of being a kick-ass modern workspace with, let’s say, a privacy pod and a phonebooth, which unites fabulous ideas, innovation and modern space?

1 Remember to breath fresh air

Today, when talking about the awareness of clean environment around us more than ever, one simply can’t overlook the quality of air as one crucial factor reflecting the way we think and act. While reading this and feeling tired and dizzy, then, yes, this is the time for some fresh air. Stop for a minute, will you, as this is the time to breath. If a small walk outside your office building seems a bit too much, open a window every once in a while. Make sure, your office and meeting pod has top notch air circulation system that helps to keep a clear head even on a cloudy day. Go green, for a change and ask your boss to have more plants in the office as they are the true superstars in providing clean oxygen.

2 Create silence whenever you feel

Let’s be honest about it, the noise around us has an effect on our ability to stay focused and on task. Studies truly reveal that office noise influences our effectiveness to stay productive. So instead of trying to stay cool and pretend not to be disturbed by that annoying sound your colleague from time to time does in the not-so-silent work hub, enjoy the 1-1 power-chat in a private office booth or enjoy unaccompanied silence at moments when you really need to sort out your thoughts during a busy working day over a call in an office phone booth. Feel free without being interrupted.

Estonian company Silen offers one way for choosing and enjoying the silence. Yes, you heard it right- they sell silence. Their concept offers soundproof office booths and meeting rooms, which makes the dream of silence in a work- place come true. “It is a great journey as today, our star-up is successfully conquering the world with our product and our booths. Remember the words of an anonymous wise guy: “Silence is a gift. Learn to value its essence.”

3 Think as a minimalist

Not only in workspace but at your home, too. Get rid of that crap you don’t actually need. Go paperless and keep the bare minimum of stuff. Don’t overload your office with pieces of furniture that have absolutely no useful functionality. A nice armchair may look fab on a TV-show from the nineties but today we have reached a new decade. Think future. Think silent. Think office booth with minimalistic furniture instead of a…, well you say it!

4 Choose the right light

Let there be light as we very often lack of the light intake we actually need. Recent studies have shown that offices that are brightly lit with LED lighting stand strong for our well-being. Those of living at the far corners on the northern hemisphere, know the real value of light as the lack of sunlight may be depressing. Keep in mind, that the right light plays an essential key in creating a dynamic, creative and motivating work environment. Get the best spot in the workspace with economic LED technology while the smart automatics and the presence detectors take care of energy efficiency and user friendliness. By the way, if you know that you have to pull an all-nighter, increase the light intensity and quantity of bluish white light. Life-hack, I promise!

5 Be flexible

Loyal, dedicated and passionate team is the ultimate goal for every company, isn’t it so? A local company of 15 could be a global success-story of 30 in just a blink of an eye. Expansion also means flexibility in terms of the workplace you are used to change the future in with your revolutionary ideas. Teams grow, their needs constantly change, and ideas expand. This may also result in moving from one office to a bigger one. And even though we just asked you to consider thinking minimalistic, you may still wish to bring your best and meaningful equipment from a previous office to the new one. There is no need to spend time, work hours and money on building and decorating a meeting room.

Privacy booth offers the flexibility to adapt to changing times. Privacy booths offer mobility, meaning that whenever needed, by adding modules, it is possible to easily increase the size of the booth. Once there isn’t such need anymore, one can simply make it smaller again. Each module is equipped with an individual fully automatic air exchange system – so there’s always fresh air guaranteed.

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By Jaan Kelder

Jaan Kelder, sündinud 10. novembril 1971, on eesti ajakirjanik; on lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli ajakirjanduse erialal 1994. aastal.